Wednesday, November 14, 2012

End of the beginning...

Dear All, 

with a last day of work, and  all packed up
a new adventure begins
thanks to everyone that has been a fan or part of dorybeach even in the slightest
always remember that dorybeach is a state of mind and an attitude
more so than a geographical place
thanks for the beginning and the barrels atlantic its been great having  a life revolve around you!

so keep it rad, stay at the beach, and get one for us
en route for a new life  in california, this half of dorybeach wants to thank everyone for being  the person that they are
and thanks for being a great friend or family
lord knows we have the best
here at dorybeach
(despite the "no geographical place" clause....had to get a momento of dorybeach for the road...thanks adam weir!.)

wherever that is that it leads
seperate, together, temporary, permanent, east or west
dorybeach is here
and we're  here to stay

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