Tuesday, June 19, 2012

As opposed too...

its relatively late tuesday morning
and with no waves on the horizon for early this am
a few drinks were thrown back last night
and some ideas tossed around.
one was an old quote that said 
"its easier to complicate your life than to simplify it"
and a friend responded 
"life is simpler than you think"
when asked to explain
he exclaimed
"its good. thats about it."
"its good? thats all you've got, surely its more complicated than that"
"its good. I mean look at the alternatives. there really are none. why complicate it. be glad to be here.The good the bad and the ugly, at least its something. "

today. act a little more. debate a little less
do something just because it feels right

enjoy every ripple, because even a ripple is  a wave
bring em on
and if you happy to meet these ladies up above
enjoy one for us!

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